Christian Education

Christian Education:  preparing people to live as Christians in today’s world. 

Children learn how much God loves them and hear the stories of our faith—the stories that help us understand who we are and whose we are.

In the Leadership Club, tweens and teens are intentionally taught to take leadership roles within the faith community, as we prepare them to become leaders in the world.

Likewise, we seek to empower young adults, especially in teaching roles.  For example, the Nursery and the Preschool are led by young adults who form relationships, convey Christian faith, and foster faith development.

Comma Conversations:  gives adults the opportunity to learn & discuss matters of social justice,  personal challenge;  stimulating thinking about faith in our lives.

Parents and guardians can register their children and teens online.  Nursery, Preschool, K-6th, and Leadership Club classes are open to visitors, newbies, and regulars.